Thread the tapestry needle with your petal colour and fasten it to the “cordonnet” i.e. the couched thread. Lay a thread across the petal where the line is shown on the pattern and split the double couched thread on the other side of the shape.
Work buttonhole stitches over both the outer cordonnet and the thread stretched across the petal. DO NOT go through the fabric, just lay the stitches on the surface of the film.
Do not pull tightly, you will need to see the loops in order to work the second row. Regularly let your needle drop so that the thread untwists to avoid knots and tangles.
When you reach the outside edge take the thread under the cordonnet and then pass it back in between the doubled thread. Take it across the petal again just below the first line of buttonhole stitches. Take your first stitch of the second row through the outline and under the carried thread. Then work buttonhole stitches into the loops of the first row, taking the needle under the carried thread each time.
When you reach the point where the petal narrows (half way) take your first stitch as before then miss out one or two loops from the previous row before continuing as before to fill the petal with "corded brussells stitch".
When you reach the bottom (or final edge) of the petal slip stitch the corded brussels to the outer cordonnet. If you have a long enough piece of thread you can use this to work buttonhole stitches (corded edge outwards) over the cordonnet all around the petal. Otherwise begin with a new length.
Work five more petals in the same manner. To remove the petals from the backing pad, lift the top layer of fabric and cut the couching stitches. Gently lift the work off the top of the film and pick off any remaining couching threads with tweezers.
Attach three of the petals to the background fabric at the top of the stem. Just catch down the inner points around the stem stitches at the top of the stem (leave most of the petal free). Leave the other three petals to attach later.
The trumpet in double brussells stitch

Trace the small or large trumpet shape as before, and using the colour of your choice lay the cordonnet. We will use a lacier stitch to fill this shape, double brussells.
Tension is important here as we are not using a laid thread. Attach the working thread to the cordonnet and start by taking two buttonhole stitches into the outline, then leave a gap before working another group of two. Continue in this manner across the row.
The second row is worked in the opposite direction, making two stitches into each long loop and missing out the small loops. Continue working back and forth to fill the area. Again decrease where the shape narrows by missing out loops from the previous row.
When the shape is completed, buttonhole just the curvy edges at the end of the trumpet. Fold the trumpet in half and join the straight edges with slip stitch. Then attach the trumpet to the background so it lays on top of the first three petals. Just catch the point of the trumpet to the fabric leaving the rest unattached.
Then stitch the remaining three petals in place so that they cover the first layer.
Stitching the loose leaf
Work a loose leaf in corded brussels as for the petals. Anchor it to the background at the top and bottom in the position of your choice, allowing the leaf to "turn over" in between anchor points.
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